Yesterday was exhausting, we WAY overestimated how much we could walk, especially with very heavy grocery. And I think my jetlag is finally catching up with me, or it was waking up before the sun. But overall, yesterday was a great day. Made some real food for dinner, fell in love with Nutella, and celebrated with my flatmates over some refreshing Mojitos.
Federica is any roommate’s dream — she is a neat freak. After shopping for hours, she immediately went to wash ALL the dishes and wiped down the whole kitchen! I helped of course. When we were finally having dinner, it was 10pm. Which is actually quite normal for the Spanish. I grilled some pork to eat with barbeque sauce, boiled some mixed frozen vegetables, and finished with a slice of toast and a Mojito. A perfect meal.
We were tourists today.
We walked to the city centre along the Diagonal, the largest street in Barcelona, and saw the Sagrada Familia in person. Now we can really say we are living in Barcelona.
I wondered if it was a stroke of genius that inspired Gaudi to create this masterpiece or simply a stroke… the building is so unbelievable, amazing, but strange and crazy. Walking around it, we saw the slow transition from the traditional to the distinctive Gaudi fluidity and innovation.
People walk A LOT in this city. I’m in desperate need of some comfortable walking shoes.
Tonight, we are going clubbing, and it doesn’t start until midnight… good thing I slept for 4 hours in the afternoon! I will have to get used to the European way.
Oh, there is a Chinese restaurant right across the street from us. I will definitely try it out in the near future. I’ll let you know if it is authentic.

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