How do you balance the intense coursework of a Master’s degree in one year with enjoying all that Barcelona has to offer? You work your behind off during the week (hopefully only during school time) then party-hardy on few nights plus weekends!

But in practice, this rarely happens, as I just finished working on a report at 11pm after starting around 2:30pm with a dinner break around 7pm. Most of the time, it’s like having a 50-hour work week with take home projects on top. Nevertheless, we still manage to have some fun off to the side.

By the way, we visited the city of Girona last weekend. It was a pretty little town with many churches and ancient monuments. We spent a great Saturday sightseeing. It was wonderful and all, but I always wish that I could share it with my family or friends. Some places you can only experience and not describe… especially a week later.

I MOVED INTO THE BIG ROOM! And will have it until mid-January. It is so big in fact, compared to my previous room, I don’t know what to do with all the space! Dance around? Do Yoga? Run from one end of the room to the other without falling out of the window at the second step?

Finally, woot for finalizing travel bookings for winter break! A month and a half y’all!

Slightly exhausted but still with love,

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