Despite my improvements in culinary skills, last night I proved that I can still be a disaster in the kitchen.
Last night was Orthodox New Year, so we threw a party at our flat to celebrate with Mira. Lovely Evina was preparing a desert for us, and I wanted to help. Unfortunately, when she asked for sugar, I handed her salt… Needless to say, the desert wasn’t very sweet.
So, we made a last minute run to the store, bought more oranges and SUGAR, and ta-da, trial number 2 was a success! I was forbidden to go near the second desert until it was fully cooked as people blocked me from going into the kitchen. 
I am now the Salt Lady… oh well, one more to add to my list…


  1. Hi Claire, Don't feel bad. I started my hot pad on fire yesterday. Yep, I unknowingly laid it on the burner too long while trying to remove a pot of boiling water. The good news is, the last few times I've made fresh green beans, I put water in the cooking pot before turning the burner on 🙂 I am still learning! Mrs. Anderson


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