This will be my 3rd new year in 2011.
1. Normal New Year on January 1st.
2. Serbian (Orthodox) New Year
3. Chinese New Year.

In the past four years during college, Chinese New Year really hasn’t been a big deal. Since it was always during school and is not an American public holiday, the most I have done was buying a bag of frozen dumplings and sharing it with Sam. But somehow, being so far away from home, tradition seems to be more important. So, in honor of Chinese New Year, we are having yet another party. We will cook some Chinese food and actually make dumplings!

It’s true we party a lot; perhaps we are becoming party animals. But then I realized, no matter what the occasion is, all of us are simply looking for excuses to get together. The closest we have to family are each other. But how lucky we are to have gotten so close. I will sure miss them after the end of March…

新年快乐(Happy New Year)!恭喜发财(Good Fortune to You)!


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