Finally recovered from the  flu!
Being limited to the immediate vicinity of my bed for a week was too much even for a nonactive person like me.
(When I started this post it was February 23rd, now it’s March 7th… )

Three more weeks in Barcelona.
Paid last month of rent.
Booked plane ticket to Guimaraes, Portugal.
Although still no apartment yet…yikes!
Nearly finished with SA7 project.
What does all this mean?
Count down to saying goodbye.
March 31st will be a sad sad day…

Guimaraes is going to be a big change from Barcelona.
It is an ancient little town in northern Portugal.
New place, new language, new friends,
And most of all, 5 months of thesis writing.
Good thing I’m well trained in adapting to new environments!

Last but not least,
Wish I can be there to celebrate with you.
So have a good one and send me pictures!


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