A look back on the first days…
Jet-lagged, I sat on the terrace of my new home to watch the first sunrise in Barcelona.
We made our first acquaintance to the city.
I was entirely unaccustomed to the concept of “walking,”
My feet complained desperately for weeks!
Everyday was like a dream (which continued for months),
I couldn’t believe I was actually living here.
206 Days later…
We went for one of the last walks.
The city now so familiar as if I have been living here forever.
No longer do we need maps or get lost,
We smile at those map-reading, photo-taking tourists as we were natives ourselves.
Walking has become a second nature.
Our footsteps were left all over the city.
Checking off the “lasts”:
Last exam,
Last presentation,
Last weekend…
But hopefully not the last time I will see these lovely people.
Love you all,

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