It’s the first day of July, and the last month of my one-year adventure in Europe.
After months of self-inflicted torture, my thesis is finally nearing completion.
In fact, one week from now is the final deadline.
I cannot wait to drop off the 1000+ pages of paper (multiple copies) at the secretariat,
Despite the fact that I will have killed another small patch of forest.

I don’t know how many people read my blog.
Sometimes it amazes me when unexpected people tell me they read it.
I hope everyone has enjoyed following my words and photos across the Iberian Peninsula.
Even though I haven’t kept to my words of writing weekly or even bi-weekly posts sometimes.
But when life throws a thesis at you to be completed within 3 months,
Other things in life suddenly become less important.

My biggest regret this year is not having too much time or opportunities to travel.
I intend to make up for a little bit of it after the submission of my thesis.
Italy is the top choice right now and the flight prices are looking reasonable.
But there is one catch…
The Protuguese residence card still hasn’t arrived.
Which means I am stuck at the edge of Europe until that tiny piece of plastic..or paper magically appears in my mailbox.
Until then…
I guess it’s under the Portuguese sun it is.


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