It is the last day of May and I’m committed to seize its tail.
May has been an eventful month with exciting experiences and important decisions.

I finally had my first offshore trip.
Experienced the helicopter ride,
Saw the complex steel structures of the platform,
Took a basket ride from the platform to the ROV boat,
And lived on a boat for 3 days.
But none of those are as “exciting” as the “incident”.
A word of advise to no one:
Make sure motion sickness medicine doesn’t make you faint,
Otherwise you will have an HSE field day.

Sam and I are finally getting hitched!
Why now?
I guess why not now is the answer.
But more than anything,
We want to and we are ready.
Omaha, Nebraska is the place.
If you don’t live here or have never been there,
You probably will never get a better excuse to visit.
What will the wedding be like?
Shhh…it’s going to be a surprise.

Getting married is hard work!
When I saw the to-do list of pulling together a wedding,
I almost said “we can wait” again.
Now I wish I was one of those girls who started planning their weddings at age 6.
I wish Omaha and Houston are two hours by car and not by plane.
I wish I have been to more than one wedding in my life.

How did the other brides to all this???
Planning a wedding should be a full time job.
Oh wait, it is!
That’s why there are wedding planners.
I wish … the wedding can just magically happen.

Final random ramblings.
May = 5
I am 25 (= 5 squared)  years old this year.
Sam and I have been dating for over 5 but not yet 6 years
There is nothing significant about the number 5,
You can say it’s the geekiness of an engineer (or Asian).
But believe it or not,
This was the train of thoughts that prompted me to write a post before May is over in 10 minutes.

Mission accomplished.


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