To those who may have seen the cute kitten pictures on my Facebook, yes, I have finally mustered enough courage to adopt a new feline friend, almost exactly one year after my previous kitty died of FIV.

The day I met him in the Houston SPCA, he raised his paw and waved at me from inside of his tiny cube behind the glass. And I knew then I could not leave without him that day. His name was Sherlock, a handome one-sleeved tuxedo boy, 10 months old, and I loved him very much. I never got around to writing a post about Sherlock considering it lasted so briefly… Here is a list of all the things I loved and still miss about him:

  1. His quiet, gentle meows, especially when I opened a can of wet food.
  2. His favorite thing to play was a piece of blue string tied into a ball at one end.
  3. He liked to suckle on people’s fingers, I suppose it made him feel like he’s still a baby.
  4. His kneading on pillows and blankets.
  5. His big yellow eyes.
  6. His constant purring.
  7. His face in my face in the morning to remind me to feed him.
  8. and so much more…

It may be shocking to people who know me well, but I felt like a mother to him. He was my baby and I worried and loved everything about him. He came into my life for a brief 45 days, made us all fall in love with him, then left so quickly it shattered our hearts. He was such a gentle and loving boy, albeit the end was quite painful to both he and I. So much so I thought I would never be able to have another pet again.

But life works in its wonderfully mysterious ways and brought another little fur ball into my life. Her name is (officially) Cotton Candy, but that’s for another post, another day.

In loving memory of Sherlock…


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