Seven years of dating,
Five years of engagement,
One and a half years in planning,
And it is now signed, sealed and delivered…


I know, I know…
We were beginning to think it would never happen too!
When you’ve been together for so long, how can a piece of paper and a big party possibly change anything?

But it actually did, subtly…

There is that extra ring around the finger.
(And it’s finally fair that Sam has to wear one too!)
It was awkwardly sweet introducing each other to strangers as “my wife” and “my husband” for the first time.
We now each have two sets of parents “Mom and Dad” and “Baba and Mama”.
Our parents now each have an additional son or daughter.
It’s no longer acceptable to spend another day apart now that we have forever to spend together.
Oh yeah, I have a new last name.
And my favorite part?
We will never forget the vows we said to each other.

On a side note, to whoever stole all my makeup and brushes, hair curler, blow dryer, and iPad on my wedding day, Karma will haunt you!!!!

The wedding was perfect, fun and amazing…
But anybody who has gotten married can tell you how EXHAUSTING it was!!
So, after the festivities ended,
We headed to the mellowest place on earth to recover — JAMAICA!
(Thank goodness Sam was able to rush obtain another passport before we had to take off… getting married is messy business y’all!!)

Time seemed to slow down in Jamaica.
It didn’t matter what day of the week it was.
It didn’t matter what time of the day it was.
We feasted and napped on the beach (sometimes up to 3 times a day) to recover and recharge from the colds, stress and exhaustion.
(Yes, unfortunately both of us were sick during our wedding week and day…)

When we were fully recovered, we played all we could!
We went swimming, snorkeling, zip lining, scuba diving, and of course we can’t forget the rum tasting!
We had fresh coconut juice and sampled the local street foods.
Mmmm… my mouth waters just thinking about the Pepper Shrimp, Fried Fish and Jerk Chicken!
The island was so beautiful,
Even the daily downpour in the afternoon was dreamy because it covered the island in a romantic hazy veil.

*Ahhh…. a big sigh of relief and some finger stretching after all this writing!*

Despite the few hiccups, I couldn’t have imagined the wedding and the honeymoon to be more perfect because I get to spend the rest of my life with my bestfriend.

Yeah mon! Everything is irie!



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