It was the first morning we didn’t have to rush because we didn’t have any booked activities that day. Our only task was to get to the Franz Josef Glacier. On the way, we stopped by many small scenic locations that people might have skipped on their trips. But don’t make that mistake! We were blown away by their beauty and were so glad we got to experience them all.

Hokitika Gorge

First, we stopped by the Hokitika Gorge, which was only a 30min drive from Greymouth (where we stayed the night). We had to hike a short distance to get to the bottom. There were a number of little bridges on the way. One of them was a suspension bridge that could only hold 6 people or 1000kg at one time. That’s an average of 166kg or 366lbs per person!! I would call that a sufficient safety factor.

Here was Sam channeling his inner Hobbit (it’s supposedly a scene from the movies)…

Once we reached the bottom of the gorge, we spent a long time climbing and hopping on the boulders and rocks. Can you believe the color of that river though? I had never seen natural water of that milky turquoise color. Apparently, it was due to the minerals washed down by the melted glacier water. Sam was obviously amazed by it.

Here are some random photos on the way back…

The Nameless Stops

The rest of the stops we didn’t bother to remember the names, but they were all along the way between Greymouth and Franz Josef Glacier Park. So if anyone ever wants to find them again, just don’t miss all the “Scenic Turnouts”.

We found these abandoned bridge piers rusting away and overgrown with small plants. It reminded me of those movies scenes in a post-apocalyptic world, where modern structures were left to degrade and were reclaimed by nature.

We also took a break by this lovely lake with a single small pier jutting out over the water. Sitting at the edge, it felt like we were floating all alone on the lake.


We finally arrived at the foot of the Franz Josef Glacier! We checked in to the hotel then went out for a walk and dinner in the small town. There was a crisp chill in the air that we never get to experience in the Houston humidity. It brought a wave of nostalgia for actual fall and winter weather that we grew up with. We met a super friendly spaniel and lab mix on our walk, who pretty much maintained the exact same position every time we saw him. He was always greeting customers at the door of a helicopter tour shop. Definitely a customer magnet!

We turned in early for the night in preparation for the glacier hike next morning. I hoped no one would sing “Let It Go!” the next day during the hike…


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