April 11, 2011 4:25pm, GChat History
Me: Hi, what are you doing tomorrow around 8pm?
Sam: No idea.
Me: Well… if you are not busy, would you like to pick up your birthday present?
Sam: Sure, where should I pick it up?
Me: Oh…I don’t know, she arrives at the San Francisco airport around 7:53pm…

April 12, 2011
Portugal Time
5:30am – Left my apartment in Guimaraes to go to the train station.
6:00am – Boarded the train to Porto.
8:00am – Switched to metro to the airport.
9:30am – Checked in, waiting for my 11:20 flight. Cool thing is there is a live pianist playing in the middle of the airport. Should I bring some authentic port wine…?
US Pacific Time
9:30pm – I walked out of the arrival door and there he was!!

April 13 – 16, 2011
We didn’t do anything special, but the days were precious.
He took me to watch sunset in the mountains, but the sun disappeared before we got there.
We cooked his birthday dinner together, but because of jet lag, I passed out before I even tried the food…
I have never felt soooo tired in my life! So… Sam had birthday dinner by himself while I slept on the couch behind him. Sorry Sam, what a sad birthday…
It was a quiet and relaxing few days, but as always they went by too quickly.
It was time to say goodbye again, but fortunately for one of the last times.

April 16 – 24, 2011
The rest of the days I spent at home with Mom.
Finally had a chance to have her try my new and improved cooking.
We always joked I am so independent that I never get homesick.
But this year has proven me wrong… I really missed home, and especially you, Mom.

Nicole finally came to visit in Houston.
After four years of talking about it, it finally happened one year after graduation.
Life is so funny sometimes.
You would think we would have sooo much to talk about, but we really didn’t.
We have been sending emails regularly so that we were all caught up on each other’s life.
It was like we just graduated a week ago, not almost a whole year!
It was great seeing Nicole though, she’s becoming more beautiful and professional every day :D!!
Unfortunately I had to do work on my thesis while she was here so I couldn’t really show her a good time, but I hope she still enjoyed her first visit to Houston.

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