17 Days – It is time for some proper posts that are worthy of documenting these last precious days in Barcelona.

Weekend in Palma de Mallorca
Leaving Barcelona EARLY Friday morning, we arrived in Palma a little past 8am. This was a semi-school related trip to site visit perhaps the largest Cathedral in Europe — Mallorca Cathedral. But we decided to stay the whole weekend on the island. It is known for the beautiful beaches, sunny days, and amazing landscape.

As if we have not seen enough cracks yet… we were shown by our professor nearly every single crack present on the interior, exterior, and the roof of the cathedral! Regardless, the cathedral was impressive in its dimensions, the extremely slender columns, and the decorations. My favorite was the giant rose window. It had a mesmerizing, kaleidoscopic quality.

After lunch, we all had a little siesta before having enough energy to go back out into town for some Doner Kebabs and a night walk in the old city centre. Our lovely Jamil, a Syrian colleague/awesome chef, naturally started taking orders, serving, and even calculating the bill for us! The restaurant owner would have hired him right then and there.

Unfortunately, a tiny drizzle started late that night and eventually developed into a full on shower through out Saturday. We managed to visit the Miro Museum, the Circular Castle and had lunch before my boots were finally destroyed in the rivers and lakes on the streets.

We ran into an Arabian Bath to take a break from the rain. The irony was that the ancient bath was now completely dry while outside (and us) couldn’t be more wet… That was when I decided it was time for my gray suede boots to retire… forever. We had some great times. I will miss them dearly. On the bright side, I found a pair of super cute boots to replace them.

The rain never stopped and nobody wanted to get wet again after getting back to the hotel. The end result was a hotel room party with sandwiches, chocolates, and lots of laughter.

We woke on Sunday to a gorgeous sunny day. But of course our flight back to Barcelona departs at noon, so there was no time to enjoy any of the best things that Mallorca had to offer. On the bus to the airport, we tried desperately to enjoy the last few minutes of the sun and the island…

Time to get back to the last week of lectures… time still flying by.


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