7:00am, September 2, 2010
Woke up naturally at 6:34am, it was still dark outside.
My room is very warm and stuffy, even though the window is open.
Because of the Mediterranean climate, there are almost no AC in all the flats.
I had trouble falling asleep, but having the familiar sheets and Choco helped a lot.
Then I slept well though.
Think I dreamed, because it feels like I have been sleeping for a long time.

Waking up early allows me to watch my first sunrise in Barcelona, sitting on my little terrace.
The sky is now nearly fully bright, but because there are apartment buildings all around, I still can’t see the sun.
It’s promising to be another gorgeous day in this strange city.
There are a couple of people sleeping on the benches in the little park downstairs.
I can’t really be sure if they are homeless.

What a nice surprise, there is an adorable Golden Retriever puppy on the terrace across the street.

He/she too, like me, is just quietly sitting, watching the city wake up.
I have noticed that there are a lot of dogs in Barcelona.
And Nicole, I saw the cutest Bichon Frise puppy yesterday, and it made me think of you.
You know, it’s the “dog-food-commercial” puppy that you wanted.

Yesterday, everyone went to bed early, because we were so tired.

I played Spider Solitaire and read Steve Berry until midnight.
We are planning to go check out the university today.
Make some necessary bureaucratic visits.
Shop some more for necessary household items.
And I’m in need of a mobile, and yes, I said “mo-bile”.   
It is now 7:37, and I’m finally almost seeing the sun above the rooftops.
I think I’m going to read for a while.
The adventures are to be continued…
Lots of love,
P.S. – sorry if these posts run a little long, it is surprising how much free time I have when I don’t have internet…

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