After an hour in the train heading north from Barcelona, and a quick climb in the cable car up the Montserrat mountain, we finally arrived in the small monastery town seemingly floating on the side of the cliff. Getting myself out of the bed in the morning wasn’t easy, but as soon as I laid my eyes on this beautiful little town, I was glad I did.
It was a gorgeous sunny day in Catalonia, but the mountain air sure was chilly. The town isn’t colorful. The buildings are mostly built using rocks taken directly from the mountain. With the natural stone blocks and the tan finishing, the buildings fit perfectly into the surrounding peaks. Standing on the spacious terrace looking out, the feeling of floating in midair was even stronger. 
The town is so small that it probably only takes 10 minutes to walk through it all. But there was something about this place that made everyone slow down in their paces, as if all the stresses of life were left down below.

We walked along a small back street, then through a tunnel like hallway, and suddenly came into a bright courtyard, face to face with the facade of the basilica. But what filled my eyes after we walked through the doors truly left me speechless. I was only able to utter the word “wow” during the entire time we were inside.

Unlike the bare stone walls of the churches in Barcelona, the Montserrat basilica is fully decorated in the Baroque style. My very first Baroque church, and it was every bit as amazing as I imagined it to be. The characteristic Baroque grandiosity definitely impresses every soul that walks through the doors. There were so much to see, I didn’t know where to begin.

The light filled nave is gilded with gold everywhere I looked. Everything is so delicate! From the ornaments on the hanging candle holders to the painted trimmings of the gold gilded vault ribs, the church seems to glow from within. More wonderfully, it does the same to the people. I felt as if the brightness and beauty filled my insides as well, leaving me completely happy and peaceful.
When we came out of the church, the bells began to ring, and each sound echoed through the mountain. It could not have been more perfect.

 After lunch, we decided to hike up the mountain to the highest peak. I have to admit the climb was very tough, especially for someone like me, whose most regular physical activity is likely grocery shopping. When we finally reached the top at 1236 meters, which is 4055 feet, above sea level, the view made it all worthwhile.

Looking back, I couldn’t believe we walked through all of this to reach here (and survived)! My heart was beating so hard it almost jumped out of my chest. I already knew my muscles would kill me the next day.

Funny thing is, this place reminded me a lot of the Yellow Mountain that Sam and I visited during our trip to China. Both are filled with odd rocks and rise nearly vertically. One peak looks exactly like a lion, and it reminded me of all the “lions”, “turtles” and “peacocks” we saw in China.

With a little bit of luck, we caught the last funicular and the cable car down the mountain, and made it to the train station with 2 minutes to spare! 
Even though we were exhausted and starving, the day was simply perfect.

And finally, this one is for Sam and Zack — Claire approves!



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