The inevitable end has finally arrived.
Improvements in Spanish or Portuguese are minimal.
But gains in cultural experiences and friendships numerable.

These 330 days have witnessed too many “firsts” to count. The most recent addition to the list is my first (and perhaps last) travel/vacation by myself.
I wasn’t motivated to do it.
I wanted to be able to share the experience with someone else,
But it turned out to be one of the best decisions I could have made during these last days.

I went to Lisbon for 5 days and stayed in a hostel in the center of downtown.
Had three sets of roommates in four nights of stay.
First there were the American girls from California.
Then there were the Italian boys from “Napoli”.
Then the Japanese model, and some other northern European guys that I never actually met or talked to.

My sleepless night of planning paid off.
I had an exciting but relaxing vacation.
Saw almost everything there was to see in the Lisbon area, all under perfect weather.
The Castelo do Sao Jorge is much bigger than the Guimaraes Castle outside of my window.
Took a day trip to Sintra and visited the famous Pena Palace. It is like a fairy tale palace that should appear in Disney World. Since the palace is at the peak of the mountain, I actually walked all the way up then walked all the way down. Exhausting, but beautiful view on the way.
Of course there were many churches in Lisbon like everywhere else in Europe, but I was really impressed by the Jeronimos Monastery in the Belem district. It was an absolutely gorgeous building. Then like all tourists that visit Belem, I had to try the famous Pasteis de Belem. It’s supposedly the best Portuguese custard pastry, only 3 people know the recipe, and each only knows their own part of the desert such as the custard or the pastry “cup” that holds the custard, so they have to work together every day.
Then I had a relaxing day just chilling on the beach of Cascais, Blue sky, blue water, white hot sand, umbrella, beach bed, a book, fruits, drinks, and amazing gelado. What more can I ask for in life? Even though there were some men who took the term swim SHORTS too literally and ladies that were too free with taking their tops off when sunbathing, the day couldn’t have been better.
On the last day, I took a walking tour through the Alfama district, listened to stories and legends of the old days, and caught the train ride back to Guimaraes.

I can now draw the perfect period in the Portugal chapter of my life.
Until next time… Europe!

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