The Drive and the Cottage

After the excitements of the glaciers and Queenstown, Sam scheduled some much-deserved unwinding for our two nights stay in Lake Tekapo. The drive from Mount Cook to Lake Tekapo left me with the distinct feeling that we were driving into a water-colored painting.

We have visited and driven by countless lakes since we landed in New Zealand, but Lake Tekapo was without a doubt the most beautiful. It was a cloudy afternoon when we arrived and settled into our well-hidden vacation home near the water. We stayed at the “Rowan Cottage” of the Lake Tekapo Cottages. It was a super cozy house with way more space than two people needed. There was even a sundeck in the back surrounded by woods where we could enjoy a coffee and have breakfast.

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Lake Tekapo is Beautiful, Moody or Vibrant

We strolled along the river to the lake at dusk. The tiny stone church, called the Church of the Good Shepherd, sat solemnly at the lakefront as if standing sentry to the snow-covered mountains in the distance. The lake was at low tide, exposing the water-smoothed rocks. There were very few people in the area, which allowed us a rare opportunity to enjoy all this beauty by ourselves. We also met a Border Collie on our walk, who represents all those early canine immigrants brought over by the European settlers.

We went to bed that night determined to wake up early next day to see the sunrise over the lake. Unfortunately, when we were wakened up by the alarm, the sky was overcast. So back to bed we went! When we woke up again, beautiful blue sky and warm sunshine welcomed us. If we thought the lake was beautiful before, it took our breaths away in the sun. The lake was the most vibrant aqua/turquoise I had ever seen. Unlike the glass-smooth calmness the day before, the wind carried waves of the jewel-colored water towards the shore, where it crashed into fluffy white wake on the rocky beach.

All around the lake were strings of blue and purple blooms that we later found out were called Lupins. November just happens to be the best time to see them, so keep that in mind! Also, that time I asked my husband to give some interesting poses (there are about 15 more photos of him dancing)… There were buses full of tourists being unloaded at the lake in the morning. It took unique angles, good timing, and quick reflexes to snap some photos without a crowd in the background!

The little church was open during the day to visitors. It was simply decorated with wooden pews facing a small cross in front of a wall width window to the lake. What decoration can be more inspiring than the wonders of nature? Photography was not allowed inside the church and there was a constant wall of people outside the door jostling for a good photo position.

There Goes Our Camera…

We attempted some cutesy-artsy photos on the rocks by the lake, but the camera wasn’t well positioned and refused to focus on us. It then fell off the rock and knocked itself out of commission. Good thing there was only one full day left on our trip and we still had our phones.

We spent the rest of the day at the Tekapo Spring Spa, where we soaked in the hot spring pools and enjoyed massages. Sam got the regular massage but I opted to try the special Moana Facial and Massage package. I was so relaxed by the end I felt like I was walking on clouds!

They were one and a half perfect days relaxing at Lake Tekapo, but we could have easily spent a week there just for the views.



  1. Pingback: New Zealand – The Drive, The Seasons, The Adrenaline – Claire the Explorer

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