Old Stones

This afternoon, Fede and I decided to go see the Santa Eulalia Cathedral of Barcelona. Words cannot describe how I felt when I first laid my eyes upon the majestic structure. — My very first physical encounter with a true Gothic cathedral! The pointed spires, the tall stained glass windows, …

Old Residents

September 4, 2010 The weather in Barcelona has been hot and humid. I really like where we live. It’s in a quiet, completely residential neighborhood. It is right in the middle between the city centre and the university. By now, we are quite familiar with the layout of the metro …

Day Two

Morning Yesterday was exhausting, we WAY overestimated how much we could walk, especially with very heavy grocery. And I think my jetlag is finally catching up with me, or it was waking up before the sun. But overall, yesterday was a great day. Made some real food for dinner, fell …

The Trip

Scribbles while waiting for connecting flight to Barcelona in Copenhagen… 8:30am, September 1, 2010 Observations so far: 1.       Washington Dulles Airport – a poorly labeled maze; 2 tram rides, countless going up and down stairs, and long distance walking to get from Terminal C to Terminal A. 2.       SAS Airline …