Catching up to the end… Lisbon Holiday

Finally got around to realizing I have never uploaded pictures to go with my final European post of “Lisbon Holidays”. I suppose having some visual ideas of what on earth I was talking about may help deliver the message of how much I enjoyed Lisbon.

I’ve recently made friends with some semi-pro photographers… Let this be a disclaimer to not expect any technicality out of my still images. It was just me and my little turquoise camera capturing the last memories of my European days.

So… Even though it is long overdue (by 7 months), a girl’s gotta finish what she started. Right?





Tudo bem?


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My Lisbon Holiday

The inevitable end has finally arrived. Improvements in Spanish or Portuguese are minimal. But gains in cultural experiences and friendships numerable. These 330 days have witnessed too many “firsts” to count. The most recent addition to the list is my first (and perhaps last) travel/vacation by myself. I wasn’t motivated to …

First and Last

It’s the first day of July, and the last month of my one-year adventure in Europe.After months of self-inflicted torture, my thesis is finally nearing completion.In fact, one week from now is the final deadline.I cannot wait to drop off the 1000+ pages of paper (multiple copies) at the secretariat,Despite …


Ever since I heard this song, I couldn’t believe how perfectly it fits us. Today I finally watched the music video and realized it was filmed in Prague, a place filled with our memories. I always thought those blogs that post music lyrics were really lame, like they were too …