While my friends are already starting school or going to work, even taking care of family, I’m still sitting at home, watching TV, writing this blog.

Nicole and I are having a discussion via email about the “real world,” whatever that might be. When we were in school, we always fantasized how much better life will be once we are out there — having our own apartments, maybe having a puppy, having friends over whenever, and be lazy without feeling guilty. However, for those of us that just got out of college, the real world is a big scary monster. We wonder if we have chosen the right career, the right company, or the right choice by continuing school. But I guess it is too soon to tell.
Who decides what the real world is?
Who decides when the real world starts?
I guess these will have to be answered by time.
I decided to reopen my Outlook yesterday, it’s something I depended my whole life on during school, something I haven’t done since graduation. Maybe this symbolizes the beginning of a new school year. But, I’m still procrastinating the packing part, even though I suddenly realized that there are only 11 days left! 
How do you pack for a whole year???

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