I gotta admit life is kind to me. Despite having to send Sam away today, the universe sent me two pieces of good news to cheer me up.

Taking Sam to the airport today was hard, not knowing when I will see him next. It will for sure be longer than we have ever been apart (by a long time). It will most likely be in the year 2011. Winter break? Spring break? Those seem like the only feasible breaks. Will I have a chance to come back for a visit?

BUT. Like I said, good news followed to soften the blow. The stars are aligning for Europe.

  1. Mom called to let me know that the Spanish Embassy left a message saying my visa is ready for pick up! Guess they don’t need an FBI background check after all.
  2. The flat reservation in Barcelona is almost complete, wired over reservation fee and identity proof. Should have confirmation within a couple of days.

 Oh… the gives and takes of life.

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